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Leserbilder Astronomie: Sunspot AR 3664 between the branches of the eucalyptus trees

On May 9th at 20:01 LT I photographed the enormous sunspot AR 3664 between the branches of the eucalyptus trees from the balcony of my house. I exploited the idea that at sunset the atmosphere absorbs sunlight and therefore makes the sunspot visible to the naked eye. But care must be taken that inexperienced people should never observe the Sun without the appropriate filters. Technical data: fusion of two shots, one exposed on the solar disk and one on the panorama. Nikon Z9 at 32Iso, Nikon Z400mm f/4.5. The Sun imaged with f/32 and time equal to 1/32,000. The scene shot at f/9 and shutter speed equal to 1/4000. Digital crop such that the equivalent focal length is 500mm. Civitavecchia, Rome, Italy

Daten zum Bild

Zeitpunkt 09.05.2024 00:00 MESZ
KameraNikon Z9
Teleskop/Objektiv Nikon Z 400/4.5
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